Mesiac na cestách
Sept. 13, 2015
Prišiel august a s ním dlhoočakávaná návšteva doma. New York nás vyprevadil vlnou horúčav, asi aby nás pripravil na neobvykle horúci august na starom kontinente. Letenky sú čoraz drahšie a nás lieta čoraz viac, tak som sa snažila optimalizovať cenu, tak aby sme to zároveň spojili s návštevou nejakých zaujímavých miest (lebo dovolenky mimo návštev rodičov si užijeme málo). Najlepšie z toho vyšli Finnair (NYC - Dublin) a Norwegian Airlines (Štokholm - NYC). Zvyšné cesty, Dublin - Krakov a Praha - Štokholm, sme pokryli nízkonakladovkami. Takže nakoniec ostalo na 3 dni v Írsku, 2 dni vo Švédsku a zvyšok na Čechy, Moravu a Slovensko.

Moje dojmy z Írska: Krásna krajina, milí ľudia, trochu daždivé leto, no s príjemnými teplotami. Ubytovanie sme si objednali cez Airbnb - u Andrewa, cez jeho súrodencov. Andrew pracuje pre neziskovky v krajinách, kde prebiehajú konflikty, no aktuálne bol doma, jeho dve sestry (je ich 6 súrodencov - holt Írsko) spravujú rezervácie. Cez deň sme boli na výletoch, no večer sme pokecali pri pive a bolo to veľmi príjemné. Samotné Glendalough Valley a Wicklow Mountains National Park sú nádherné a majú bohatú históriu. Len treba dávať pozor pod nohy, lebo všade sú ovce. Posledné popoludnie sme si nechali na Dublin. Tam mi v pamäti utkvel najmä pokec s taxikárom (mal 11 súrodencov) - ľudia populistom naletia všade. (Taxikári a hiphoperi v Dubline su bieli a miestni. Divný pocit po príchode z NYC.) Ešte jedna vec - hrdosť na tradície. V Dubline nás všetci posielali na západ - do Galway a Killarney, aby sme videli to pravé, autentické, folklórne Írsko. Poslali by Bratislavčania turistov na Liptov, ci dokonca na ďaleký východ?

At Glenmalure Lodge, with our wonderful airbnb hosts, siblings Andrew and Tracey

A photo posted by Miroslava Sotakova (@gwhitehawk) on

Attack of the flies, Dioghais, Wicklow Mountains, Ireland

A photo posted by Miroslava Sotakova (@gwhitehawk) on

History repeats itself

A photo posted by Miroslava Sotakova (@gwhitehawk) on

EasyJet sme preplatili, lebo sme sa večer pred odletom, unavení po príchode do hotela zabudli čeknúť. Checking na letisku je za 45 Euro, a skoro sme kvôli tomu nestihli lietadlo. Do inej fronty nás poslali neskoro a gate bol presne na opačnom konci letiska. Doma nás privítala pekelná horúčava. Ďalších pár dní sme až do večera málokedy vystrčili nos z domu. Potom sa ochladilo, Michal odišiel na víkend do Prahy a ja som ľahla s angínou. Stretnutia s rodinou a tri dni v Ždiari ale pocit z návštevy zlepšili. Na moje narodeniny sme si s Gabom, Samkom, a tetou Darinou dali túru na Zamkovského chatu a Samko to zvládol s úsmevom. So Stankom musíme dotrénovať psychickú odolnosť, ale v podstate došiel až do konca sám, tak sa už neviem dočkať väčších výletov.

Z Tatier sme pokračovali za Michalovou gymnaziálnou triedou a triednou na chatu pri Brne. Kopa detí, super výlet a večery pri ohni, hudbe a pive - jedny z najkrajších dní týchto prázdnin.

Rovno z Brna sme pokračovali do Zubří pri Novom Meste na Moravě. Stanko sa nemohol dočkať "rodinnej dovolenky so SOBSA" alias tábora. Chvíľami toho naňho bolo priveľa, ale vcelku ochotne sa zúčastňoval orientačno-bežeckých súťaží.

Z tábora sme s Karinkou odišli trochu skôr, užiť si Prahu a pozdraviť Braňovu a Denisinu Ellu.

Po pár dňoch z zážitkoch (jazero Lhota, Park Mirákulum, zoo) sme vyrazili na našu poslednú zastávku na tejto ceste - do Štokholmu. Bývali sme u Katriny a jej rodiny (ktorí boli na víkend preč) priamo v starom meste. Času nebolo až tak veľa a strávili sme ho hlavne v historickom Gamla Stan a v Skansene (prvý skanzen na svete, po ktorom majú tie ostatné meno). S miestnymi sme sa nebavili až tak veľa ako v Írsku, ale minimálne po rozhovore s Katrinou som mala pocit, že sú veľmi hrdí na svoj multikulturalizmus. Do debaty o tom sa preto radšej so Švédom nepúšťať. Inak majú malé, ale krásne staré mesto.

"Our" street. Katrina's (our airbnb host) apartment rocks. And they have a gramophone! And a million books.

A photo posted by Miroslava Sotakova (@gwhitehawk) on

Stockholm in the night.

A photo posted by Miroslava Sotakova (@gwhitehawk) on

V NYC nás, ako inak, privítala opäť vlna horúčav. Not glad to be back.
I am back
July 29, 2015
It may sound surprising but maternity leave with a newborn may be somewhat boring at times. And I don't complain at all because only when I'm bored and for a change, my mind is not scattered over 10 different things, I start to feel the desire to learn something new. When Stanko was born, I wanted to record the moments with him, to have something to look back when he'll be all grown up. Having started two blogs before that quickly perished of no activity, I did not want to have to maintain yet another web in addition to flickr, youtube, and my old college website. Perhaps the natural next step would be to get a domain but I doubted if I need it. Since my college account has limited space, and I'm not an admin of it, I did not want to get into deploying an oversized blogging engine like wordpress or drupal.

That was the time when I wrote a generator in python that creates static blog pages from text files. Sure, the editing was cumbersome but it did not need any fancy software or database.

Soon after I returned to work I was laid off and once again jobless. As juggling a demanding child and a demanding job is exhausting, I'd almost appreciate my lay-off if it didn't make me deal with the work visa issues. Shortly before this I bought a 'new' old film camera (Nikon N60) as I was missing the superb colors and contrast of film (film photography started to become fashion in my flickr circles, and it reminded me of that), and had troubles to focus and frame photos with my FED rangefinder (great for landscapes, tough for close ups due to manual focus and the parallax shift). Having a lot of time and a cute object to photograph, I decided to start a photo blog.

This time, I wanted something less awkward than a static page generator but was unsure of using the mainstream blog engines (one reason was that I did not want to deal with php). Michal mentioned Django framework, and having at least slight experience with python, it seemed a like feasible way to go. I could also easily run it on his domain, hosted by a friend.

Thanks for being unemployed for months, this blog did not die quite as fast as the two previous ones. With the new addition to our family (lovely Karin pictured below, with another consequence of my boredom on her head), I once again enjoy the stay-at-home mom status and time to be creative. Hence I decided to revive this blog, not strictly for posting photos. See you soon.

A photo posted by Miroslava Sotakova (@gwhitehawk) on

April 2014
May 7, 2014
On top of Peak 6, Breckenridge, Colorado. Hiking Red Rock Canyon, Manitou Springs, Colorado.

March 2014
May 7, 2014
The wintry tale of the early March. The birthday visit of Intrepid.

February 2014
May 7, 2014
A bed-and-breakfast near Windham.

portraits of a child - year three
March 25, 2014
Stanko turned 3 a week ago. A retrospective of our joyful life with him.

the beginnings of a great obsession, 2 years

two hikers, 25 months, Taghkanic lake

fearless rider, 25 months

on the roof, 25 months

breakfast, 26 months

my first music festival, 26 months

in West Virginia, 26 months

in the fern, 26 months, West Virginia

at ease, 27 months

roller coaster, 27 months

the wedding guest, 27 months, Pec pod Sněžkou

sharing, 27 months, Hýskov

busy at the sandbox, 28 months, Rudňany

learning to swim, 28 months, Oravská priehrada

in the cold brook, 28 months, mill Oblazy

in the storm, 28 months, Orava

apple picking, 29 months

the real perspective, 29 months

Adirondacks swimming, 29 months

after rain, before rain, 29 months, Adirondacks

we've got drenched to the bone, 29 months, Adirondacks

the very real hiker, 29 months, Adirondacks

with the view, 29 months, Adirondacks

the thirsty boy, 29 months, Adirondacks

newt hunting, 29 months, Adirondacks

canoeing, 29 months, Adirondacks

playing a fisher, 30 months

tired at Makers Faire, 30 months

with my friend Svatava, 31 months, Bar Harbor

eating a lobster, 31 months

the artist, 31 months

baking, 31 months

the fall, 31 months

playing with leaves, 32 months

at Ashokan reservoir, 32 months

little baker, 33 months

where's the train, 33 months, Prague

jetlagged, 33 months, Prague

with grandma, 33 months, Rudňany

the pianist, Prague

playing with the Christmas presents, 34 months

no shortage of snow, 35 months

portraits of a child - year two
March 25, 2014
Stanko turned 3 a week ago. A retrospective of our joyful life with him.

one year, Lake Powell, Utah

one year, Canyonlands, Utah

dandelions, 13 months

with a ball, 14 months

chocolate ice cream, 15 months

give me more sangria, 15 months

colorful balls, 15 months

power in unity, 16 months

on a walk, 16 months, Rudňany

the flower child, 16 months, Poráčska dolina

Prague historic, 17 months

the hiker, 17 months, Cathedral Lake, Yosemite NP

the camper, 17 months, Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite NP

the climber, 17 months, Mt Hoffmann, Yosemite NP

the smiley, 17 months, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite NP

in the drawer, 18 months

playing at MIT, 19 months

Nantucket coast, 19 months

nature boy, 20 months

Christmas chocolate, 21 months, Prague

upset, 21 months, Rudňany

you, 22 months

chasing geese, 23 months, Port Washington

almost two, Vermont
portraits of a child - year one
March 24, 2014
Stanko turned 3 a week ago. A retrospective of our joyful life with him.

with daddy at 3 weeks

with mommy at 7 weeks

a milestone, nearly 3 months

first time visit of grandparents at 3 months, Prague

with daddy, 4 1/2 months

first time in the swing, 6 months

apple picker, 6 months

in the cold, after bath, 9 months

in the snow, 10 months, Rudňany

sledding, 10 months, Rudňany

it's snowing, 11 months, Vermont

with mommy, one year

flying, one year

upside down

1 comment
January 2014
Feb. 17, 2014
This winter surely is rich on snow. On the way to work, in Park Slope.

Jan. 16, 2014


Port Washington, New York

Killington, Vermont


Easter table

Taghkanic lake, New York

Canaan Valley, West Virginia


Trutnov, Czech Republic

Krkonoše, Czech Republic

Letná, Prague

Helsinki, Finland

Slide Mountain, Catskills, New York

Catskills, New York

Ditmas Park, Brooklyn

Rudňany, Slovakia

Oravská priehrada, Slovakia

Kvačianska dolina, Chočské vrchy, Slovakia

Ráztoka, Chočské vrchy, Slovakia

Roháčska dolina, Roháče, Slovakia

Orava, Slovakia

Good Luck lake, Adirondacks, New York

The Brothers, Adirondacks, New York

Lapland lake, Adirondacks


Corona Park, Queens

Maker Faire, Queens

garden store, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine

Acadia NP, Maine

Acadia NP, Maine

Acadia NP, Maine

Acadia NP, Maine

lobster shack, Maine

fruits of the fall

Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Ashokan Reservoir, Catskills, New York

Ashokan Reservoir, Catskills, New York

Christmas punch, Pyšely-Brtnice, Czech Republic